Andrews Research & Education Foundation Offers Online Continuing Education for Athletic Trainers

Gulf Breeze, FL – The Andrews Research & Education Foundation (AREF) is continuing to expanding their education platform to include online courses for continuing education units (CEUs). The course materials will consist of lectures, presentations, and video content that will provide subscribers with full access to the accumulative knowledge of our world renowned physicians and orthopaedic sports medicine healthcare providers. Combining invaluable information with an online education program, AREF will now be able to offer medical personnel a convenient alternative to gain access to higher learning education.

“We are excited to be able to provide the 2018 Injuries in Football Conference course online for athletic trainers,” stated Leandra Price, AREF Education Manager. “This exposure will provide athletic trainers a chance to learn about a variety of injuries and hot topics in football from the best providers that sports medicine has to offer.”

To learn more about our live and online continuing education visit our website

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